Friday, January 18, 2008


Two weeks down 102 to go. If I last a full year like I planned. But plans are for suckas, and they don't pay me to suck. The people who get paid to suck make way more money (hopefully) than me.
I visited a dream design space as part of a motion graphics festival here in Chicago. It has all the equipment that inhabit computer artists' wet dreams. It motivated me to keep sniffing everywhere. If I could get a job in an environment as cool and non-pornographic as that I'd drop my super paying job like a bad habit. Perhaps the only thing that doesn't compare in a world class motion graphics production house to a porno peddling house is the anecdotes. I wouldn't need a blog for a plain ole' diseno grafico job. That would be boring.
I keep a blog so that I can document insanities like the story of my coworker's first pink-eye (eye irritation caused by semen, for the uninitiated). He was receiving his first BJ, a young teen inexperienced and besides it was dark. He pulled out at the moment of truth and (allegedly) got a shot of truth in his own eye. I don't even consider if any of the stories I hear at work are legit anymore because I know they aren't. But when was the last time you heard an entertaining and true story?

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