Thursday, January 24, 2008

Day 14

Oh hey, how's it going? Not too bad, just editing porn for internet consumption. The company acquired several terabytes* of video content on DVDs. This week I have edited down 3 discs. That's like less than a percent of the total. It's very easy to click and drag and type file names. It is difficult to look at some of the (ahem) actors without shuddering. Considering the industry is entirely about appearance, it's surprising to see some of the train wrecks in these videos. Presenting Kara Aine! Recently powdered up from detox in a walk-in clinic in Baltimore.
The worst is seeing the pornstars that very closely resemble people I know. Don't worry it's not you. I checked. When you make that face your cheeks don't go that high, and you don't have someone's asscheeks right next to your head.

*spell check suggests presbyterian. is it terrabyte or terabyte? I don't know and neither does the computer.

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