Friday, February 22, 2008

Day 49


I got the call this morning at 10AM. You're late, said the boss. I'm on my way! Don't bother. We'll mail you your check.

Last week I was running really late because I felt sick, and he gave me the same call. I rolled in at noon and convinced him to keep me on the job some more. I'm not going to beg for this job anymore.
The pretense is my tardiness, but I can guarantee that my young coworkers are not there either.
His company is a bit stressed financially, and cutting me from the budget makes a easy stress reliever. I'm an easy target being the new designer #2. I guess I could've expected a strange ending to this job considering its weird beginning. I was hired sight unseen, no interview, and regrettably no contract.
I yelled expletives when I hung up the phone. But I think this is going to be a change for the better. I've learned a lot that doesn't have anything to do with design in the past 50 days. I never really thought of myself as an asset to be invested in. I've never met such a senseless but ruthless businessman as my boss. To clarify, I'm not whining that my termination was senseless, his other decisions informed me of that opinion.
Now I can devote 100% of my time to finding a new and hopefully very different job. The wages I've earned so far can sustain me poorly for about six months. If I can't find a job by then, I don't deserve to be living here.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Day 34

To begin on a personal note: I just farted at the exact moment that a police cruiser bleeped a warning klaxon. There's an idea for a short film somewhere in there.

It's been a month and a few days. I know I'm inclined toward impatience and inability to settle but I have decided this job is not for me. I'm searching for new employ at the lazy pace of the well-enough paid. The blog will continue until my last day of the pornternship. Granted I am learning some valuable techniques both on the screen and off. I think the value of communication is one I'll have to work on in the future.
In a previous post I mentioned that my trial versions of Adobe CS3 would expire soon. They have done so. My message to the bossman regarding this situation was handled by deferring to our in-house pirated software guy. I said I don't need pirated software, the real thing would be best. Yeah, replied the software guy, but that's like 2000 dollars. I feel like the entire company is acting like a teenager whose parents are on vacation.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Day 29

My coworkers managed to corrupt another word that I thought had only one meaning. Spiderman turns out to be so much more than courageous rescues and doing whatever a spider can. Click with discretion, you'll never see Peter Parker the same way again.

Well I've been at this for about a month now, (I know because the trial version of CS3 I've been using will expire soon) and as weeks melt away I wonder what I can bring to my next job interview. Do you think by three to five years experience, they mean six months to a year experience with not much learned? I guess I'll answer that in six months to a year.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Day 20

If anyone out there needs to enhance their erection, or even increase the payload of their ejaculate, I know the guy for you. One of our salesmen is a very hardworking entrepreneur. I hope the meaning of hardworking wasn't lost on anyone. Because he's there if anything is in need of a quick stiffening. He sells the pills that you can buy from the spam folder of your email. You know, for kids!
I think I've completely acclimated to the sex Sex SERX environment. It used to be annoying and uncomfortable to hear the Amber Rade noises blaring from computer speakers. Now the only thing that's annoying and uncomfortable is how little guidance I'm getting. I must be spoiled from university, but I wish I had a design authority in house. Of course that would negate my purpose there, but I'll be the first to admit I have a lot to learn. The best I can do is explore my technical boundaries without guidance. Slowly, in the dark. I cannot complain about getting paid for that.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Day 14

Oh hey, how's it going? Not too bad, just editing porn for internet consumption. The company acquired several terabytes* of video content on DVDs. This week I have edited down 3 discs. That's like less than a percent of the total. It's very easy to click and drag and type file names. It is difficult to look at some of the (ahem) actors without shuddering. Considering the industry is entirely about appearance, it's surprising to see some of the train wrecks in these videos. Presenting Kara Aine! Recently powdered up from detox in a walk-in clinic in Baltimore.
The worst is seeing the pornstars that very closely resemble people I know. Don't worry it's not you. I checked. When you make that face your cheeks don't go that high, and you don't have someone's asscheeks right next to your head.

*spell check suggests presbyterian. is it terrabyte or terabyte? I don't know and neither does the computer.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day 12

Editing hours and hours of porno footage is much more painful than you'd think.

Friday, January 18, 2008


Two weeks down 102 to go. If I last a full year like I planned. But plans are for suckas, and they don't pay me to suck. The people who get paid to suck make way more money (hopefully) than me.
I visited a dream design space as part of a motion graphics festival here in Chicago. It has all the equipment that inhabit computer artists' wet dreams. It motivated me to keep sniffing everywhere. If I could get a job in an environment as cool and non-pornographic as that I'd drop my super paying job like a bad habit. Perhaps the only thing that doesn't compare in a world class motion graphics production house to a porno peddling house is the anecdotes. I wouldn't need a blog for a plain ole' diseno grafico job. That would be boring.
I keep a blog so that I can document insanities like the story of my coworker's first pink-eye (eye irritation caused by semen, for the uninitiated). He was receiving his first BJ, a young teen inexperienced and besides it was dark. He pulled out at the moment of truth and (allegedly) got a shot of truth in his own eye. I don't even consider if any of the stories I hear at work are legit anymore because I know they aren't. But when was the last time you heard an entertaining and true story?